Debra Scarpa: The Power of a Visionary & Integrator Relationship
Today With Debra Scarpa:
Welcome to the Window Treatments for Profit podcast. Today on the show we have award-winning designer and marketing professional, Debra Scarpa of Home Designer Marketing.
Debra recently joined us on the podcast to discuss common sales objections, and she is back today to share her expertise on the Visionary and Integrator relationship and how it can benefit your business. Visionaries and Integrators are wired differently, and have strengths that complement one another. Visionaries are the “what and why” and Integrators are the “how.” This leads to different responsibilities and accountabilities across your business and thus, getting more done!!
Pick It Apart
[5:15] LuAnn and Debra discuss their roles and how they work with their partners, Vin and Ashley, in their businesses, and how the roles and relationships collaborate for better business
[16:30] Debra explains the role of the visionary
[28:20] Debra explains why she gives Ashley, her employee and integrator, 51% of the voting power in business decisions
[33:37] Debra defines role of integrator
[38:50] LuAnn and Debra discuss healthy tensions and the baselines for the visionary and integrator relationship to function properly
[45:52] Debra discusses how working with an integrator can benefit a visionary entrepreneur, and gives some tips to hiring the right person
LuAnn Nigara and Debra Scarpa’s Ah-Ha Moments
“You don’t have to be good at everything, and you shouldn’t be good at everything. And you should bring team members on that are opposite from you.” – Debra Scarpa
“There’s no growth without risk taking—there’s no expansion, there’s no new ways of looking at things. And so, too much risk or risk that you can’t sleep with at night—not healthy. But a little bit of risk is what everybody needs.” – LuAnn Nigara
“It’s a great service to your business when you spend time recognizing and understanding what your superpowers are and where your gaps are…When you identify your gaps and you can hire for those gaps—that’s when the magic happens.” – LuAnn Nigara
“Stay in your superpower.” – Debra Scarpa
More About Debra Scarpa:
Debra Scarpa is an award-winning designer and owner of Home Designer Marketing with over 30 years in the marketing industry. Home Designer Marketing helps interior designers transform their brands to get found online, win their dream clients, & work smarter by streamlining their processes. Our team guides your business to success with custom branding, logos, websites, local SEO, social media, email marketing, and improved processes.
The Power of a Visionary & Integrator Relationship
Are you constantly bursting with new ideas but struggle to choose a clear path or stay focused?
As a home design business owner, you’re probably a Visionary. You wake up with 20 new ideas, meanwhile, you’ve already got a million other things on your plate so it’s near impossible to implement anything new. Why is this?
To put it simply, it’s just how you’re wired. What you need is someone entirely opposite of you on your team – remember, opposites attract! This person is called an Integrator. Visionaries and Integrators are wired completely different and have strengths that complement one another. Visionaries are the “what and why” and Integrators are the “how.” This leads to different responsibilities and accountabilities across your business and thus, getting more done!!
Listen to this podcast if you’d like to learn more about the Visionary Integrator relationship and if it will benefit your business.
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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
Audiobook: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts
Pre-Order Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2
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Other Shows Mentioned:
#93: Debra Scarpa: How to Handle Common Sales Objections
A Well-Designed Business:
#492: Laura Umansky: Leadership is the Secret Sauce of Success
#564: Vicky Serany, Southern Studio: Thriving Despite Covid-19
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#799: Power Talk Friday: Jamie Van Cuyk: What You Need to Consider When Making Your Next Hire
Other Resources Mentioned:
Brand, Website, & SEO Audit:
Rocket Fuel Assessment:
Kolbe Assessment:
Window Works skill-set assessment: