Vita Vygovska: Market to Interior Designers by Building Relationships
Today With Vita Vygovska:
Welcome to Window Treatments for Profit. As window treatment professionals, partnering with interior designers just makes sense. The one and only Vita Vygovska of Vitalia, Inc, joins me to discuss the benefits of building relationships with interior designers, sharing the steps she uses to initiate, establish, and foster these relationships in her own business and how you can do the same in yours.
Pick It Apart
[6:51] Vita shares the language and phrases she uses and encourages listeners to swipe her ideas to aid in their businesses.
[15:37] Vita and LuAnn discuss going to where your target clients hang out and begin networking and building relationships.
[28:20] Vita explains her new, elevated Lunch & Learns that she personalizes to potential clients.
[34:37] LuAnn and Vita share stories about clients that took a long time to “court” through different marketing initiatives but finally came around.
[43:35] Vita and LuAnn discuss masterminding sessions and their prospecting and marketing value, as well as how important they are when building relationships.
LuAnn Nigara and Vita Vygovska’s Ah-Ha Moments
“Focus on what you’re doing for that designer..if someone is going to walk up to you and say, ‘I know you have 50 balls in the air, I’m going to take one of them. And side by side with your direction, I’m going to keep that ball in the air. You never have to look over at that ball again. You know, you look at me, my eyeballs, I got it,’ what designer is going to say no.” – LuAnn Nigara
“If you’re going after interior designers—go and hang out where they hang out.” – Vita Vygovska
“All these marketing tactics, they are nothing more than creating, fostering, nurturing a strong relationship over time.” – Vita Vygovska
“In all of this, in everything we do, in marketing especially, you have to be authentic to yourself.” – Vita Vygovska
“We don’t need to teach [interior designers] about window treatments in order to create a relationship that’s meaningful. And in fact, usually that’s not how you do it.” – LuAnn Nigara
More About Vita Vygovska:
Vitalia Vygovska (Vita for short!), CWFP, MBA, is an award-winning window treatment specialist, author, speaker, and the LuAnn University instructor for Systems Driven Operations.
Connect with Vita Vygovska
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Other Shows Mentioned:
WTFP #52: What Would Lu Do?: 3 Strategies for Building Partnerships with Interior Designers
WTFP #64: Stephanie Hamilton: Reputation Marketing for Window Treatment Professionals
WTFP #76: Vita Vygovska: Pre-Requisites for Success as a Window Treatment Entrepreneur
WTFP #122: Jill Ballew: Her System for Chasing Post Installation Issues
AWDB #453: Carolyn Flannery: Impact Your Pipeline With This One Strategy
AWDB #473: Power Talk Friday: The FabricShield, Scott & Rene Schleicher
Other Resources Mentioned:
American Society of Interior Designers (ASID)
International Furnishings and Design Association (IFDA)
Window Coverings Association of America (WCAA)