Benjamin Jones: Unleashing the Power of YouTube Ads; Expert Strategies for Beginners

Today With Benjamin Jones:
Welcome to Window Treatments for Profit! Today, we’re going to talk about something that might make you groan a little: YouTube ads. I know, nobody likes ads. But the truth is, ads on YouTube have become an integral part of the platform, and if you’re a business owner, understanding how they work can be crucial to your success.
To talk about this, we have Benjamin Jones with us. He is a serial entrepreneur and international speaker with a passion for digital marketing. Over the last 7 years, he has been able to help thousands of people worldwide learn how to harness the power of online marketing to scale their businesses! Today’s episode is filled with loads of information, so grab a pen and paper before you listen to it.
LuAnn Nigara and Benjamin Jones’ Ah-Ha Moments
“The best ads you can run on Youtube are the ones that you can skip in 5 seconds” – Benjamin Jones
“If I come to Youtube, I wanna be entertainment or educated in some way” – Benjamin Jones
More About Benjamin Jones
Hi there, I’m Benjamin Jones, a serial entrepreneur and international speaker with a passion for digital marketing. Over the last 7 years, I’ve been able to help thousands of people worldwide learn how to harness the power of online marketing to scale their businesses.
With over seven years of experience in the digital marketing space, I’ve co-founded two businesses: Youth in Business and Titan Marketer.
What I love most is sharing my insights on how kids can earn money while they’re still young and how to grow your business with YouTube Ads. I also enjoy talking about making money online, coaching, and digital marketing in general.
I’m always excited to share my expertise and contagious enthusiasm with audiences at conferences and events worldwide.
Connect with Benjamin Jones
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