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C-Suite Talks with Madeleine MacRae: Glass Ceilings

Episode 215 of Window Treatments for Profit
215: C-Suite Talks with Madeleine MacRae: Glass Ceilings

Today with Madeleine MacRae:

Welcome to Window Treatments for Profit. It’s Wednesday, which means there’s a brand new episode of C-Suite Talks with Madeleine MacRae for you to dive into. In today’s episode, we’ll explore the concept of breaking through the glass ceiling in business.

Breaking through the glass ceiling in business requires a combination of self-awareness, strategic actions, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. By taking these steps, individuals and businesses can pave the way for growth, success, and the dismantling of barriers that hinder progress. Tune in to listen to Madeleine’s tips to achieve this.

Madeleine MacRae’s Ah-Ha Moments:

“Glass ceilings exist because of that age-old paradigm adage that I’m sure you’ve heard that what doing what you’ve always done is not what gets you to where you want to go.” – Madeleine MacRae

“Your business will never outpace your own personal belief of how much you can succeed.” – Madeleine MacRae

“One of the really great ways of being able to support yourself is by getting an external view into your business, hiring a coach or a very specific consultant to come in and give you advice on how to break through this glass ceiling that you’re facing.” – Madeleine MacRae

“It’s crazy to keep just doing the same old thing that you’ve always done and expect to have a different result.” – Madeleine MacRae

More About Madeleine MacRae:

Madeleine MacRae is a former corporate executive and now a business growth strategist, who helps businesses grow with more intentionality and far less stress.

Connect with Madeleine MacRae




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Purchase LuAnn’s Books Here:

Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action

Audiobook: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action

Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts

Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2

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