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C-Suite Talks with Madeleine MacRae: The Power of Finding Your Voice

Episode 223 of Window Treatments for Profit

Today with Madeleine MacRae:

Welcome to Window Treatments for Profit. In today’s episode, Madeleine will discuss which is the impact of finding our voice on our business. If you remember, in a previous episode we talked about the power of authenticity and knowing ourself, and as you’ll hear from Madeleine herself, she wants to keep sharing the message of self-discovery and personal growth as this is fundamental for us to thrive in what we do.

Madeleine MacRae’s Ah-Ha Moments:

“What I’ve seen over the course of all these years is that the people who are most successful in business and the people who are at the highest levels of companies, it’s not just that they have all these traits and qualities about their business acumen and all those other things. It’s really about them mastering themselves and them actually dealing with their demons, dealing with those things that bother them, like getting over those things.” – Madeleine MacRae

“When you can find your voice, when you can find the courage to use your voice, you can really catalyze people and you can change behaviors, and you can change beliefs, and you can change your business. Finding your voice is such a powerful thing.” – Madeleine MacRae

More About Madeleine MacRae:

Madeleine MacRae is a former corporate executive and now a business growth strategist, who helps businesses grow with more intentionality and far less stress.

Connect with Madeleine MacRae




Our Favorite Link

Madeleine MacRae’s Home Pro Toolbox


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A Big Thank You to Our Keynote Sponsors:

Nancy Ganzekaufer

Traci Connell

Duke Renders

Purchase LuAnn’s Books Here:

Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action

Audiobook: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action

Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts

Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2

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