What Level is Your Design Business?

Jessica Harling: Confronting or Firing Family Members in Your Business

Episode 254 of Window Treatments for Profit

Today With Jessica Harling:

Hi, welcome to Window Treatments for Profit. Firing someone is never easy. But when it’s a friend or family member, that situation becomes emotionally charged and even more difficult.  It’s never easy. How do you let someone know this is their last chance? How do you set up the expectations that need to be met? How do you decide enough is enough? And how do you have that ultimate hard conversation if you end up having to let them go?  Today, Jessica Harling is here to share her insights on how to navigate these tough situations.

Pick It Apart

[2:22] Jessica and LuAnn talk about how sticky situations arrive with family in business and the importance of clear expectations.

[7:24] Jessica shares her advice on making the hard decision to let a family member go.

[12:21] LuAnn and Jessica discuss why you can’t just put off the hard conversations.

[21:51] Jessica and LuAnn reflect on the emotional side and the grief of fallout with family members.

[31:39] LuAnn unpacks why these situations are always going to be hard, even when they’re necessary.

LuAnn and Jessica Harling’s Ah-Ha Moments

“I once heard some great advice. When you know you need to fire a family member but you feel like you can’t, fire them in your heart. The biggest reason why you’re having this push and pull with them is because you do love then and you do have this emotional attachment to them. But if you fire them in your heart, it’s a little bit easier for your brain to act on what the heart doesn’t want to do.” -Jessica

“It really is important to ask yourself if it’s a person problem or a process problem. Because if it’s a process problem, we may learn that we’ve got somebody in the wrong seat. That is automatically going to create friction for both of us, and if we’re family or friends it’s going to manifest in ways that it wouldn’t just from employer to employee.” -LuAnn

“At the end of the day, if you’re letting someone go that is close to you, there is a grieving process. It is not easy. If it was easy, you’d have a cold heart.” -Jessica

More About Jessica Harling

With unwavering conviction, Jessica Harling can break down complex decisions to simplify an action plan. Her dynamic problem-solving can confront potential obstacles proactively and energize any team, making others feel valued to achieve their ambitious company goals. She is the founder of Behind the Design, a People Operations company that enthusiastically collaborates with leadership to build dream teams! From recruiting to training and process development, their intuition for creating strong emotional connections discovers and nurtures rockstar talent with established streamlined processes that impact the company’s bottom line.

Connect with Jessica Harling





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Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts

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