Peggy Morgans: How Do I Get My Business Ready to Sell?

Today with Peggy Morgans:
Welcome to Window Treatments for Profit! Window treatment pro, Peggy Morgans shares the experts she hired and work she did to prepare her business for a sale. Previously doing 90% of the work herself, Peggy set a goal of taking herself out of the business and broke the action items into a checklist of just three simple to-dos to achieve her goal.
The Breakdown:
[13:07] Peg shares how she felt about the process documentation when work is so custom
[22:54] Peggy details how she hired out some of her marketing
[26:31] Peggy and LuAnn talk about lunch and learns
[33:33] Peggy and LuAnn discuss the hiring learning curve
[44:36] Peggy tells how she upgraded her systems to allow for process improvement
[52:32] LuAnn and Peggy talk about the advantages of coaching and Chairman of the Board
The Ah-Ha Moments:
“You have a business, not a you.” – LuAnn Nigara
“We want to make this business so that the person who buys it doesn’t have to know anything about window treatments.” – LuAnn Nigara
“There’s nothing wrong with the personality. But that personality doesn’t align with what you want.” – LuAnn Nigara
“Part of what my role is is empowering you to listen to your own inner voice.” – LuAnn Nigara
More About Peggy Morgans:
Peggy Morgans is the owner of Parkway Window Works, an award winning custom drapery workroom serving interior designers in the greater Rochester and Upstate New York area. Parkway Window Works started as a home based, solo operation 20 years ago and was built from Peggy’s background as a former chemical engineer and MBA. Streamlined systems and a problem solving approach are the cornerstones of the company. Today, Peggy is leading a team of 8 located in 2700 square feet of commercial space to house our designer consultation space and state of the art workroom. Parkway offers design professionals a one-stop-shop with unparalleled technical expertise and a hassle-free process that takes care of it all from measure to installation and everything in between.
Connect with Peggy Morgans:
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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts
Pre-Order Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2
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