C-Suite Talks with Madeleine MacRae: Is a Recession Coming Or Is It Already Here?

Today with Madeleine MacRae:
Welcome to Window Treatments for Profit. It’s Wednesday, which means there’s a brand new episode of C-Suite Talks with Madeleine MacRae for you to dive into.
Today, Madeleine talks about a topic that nobody really wants to discuss, the recession, and some advice on how to handle it.
More About Madeleine MacRae:
Madeleine MacRae is a former corporate executive and now a business growth strategist, who helps businesses grow with more intentionality and far less stress.
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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
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Other Shows Mentioned:
#53: C-Suite Talks with Madeleine MacRae: What NOT to Do in the Face of a Downturn
#56: C-Suite Talks with Madeleine MacRae: Three Actions You Can Take to Help You Weather a Downturn