What Level is Your Design Business?

Disruptor Alert: Life Was Never Meant to Be A Struggle – The Role Window Treatments Play in Our Unconscious Minds

Episode 260 of Window Treatments for Profit

Today With Fawn Chang:

Today on Window Treatments for Profit, I am joined by Fawn Chang, a behavioral interior designer, color expert and industry insider. She is sharing how our environments impact our well-being, how window treatments play a crucial role, and how we can position ourselves as consultants for healthier living spaces. Fawn has inspired audiences around the world — teaching how the brain and body interact with our surroundings, and today she is bringing insight on how to create spaces that don’t just look beautiful, but actually enhance our health, wealth, and happiness…and how to sell them too.

Pick It Apart

[2:27] Fawn introduces ‘wellness real estate’ and how wellness window treatments can be incorporated.

[13:29] Fawn and LuAnn discuss biophilia, its positive impacts in an environment, and how window treatment professionals can capitalize on this. [19:49] LuAnn asks Fawn how to counsel consumers on circadian rhythms and the ideal room darkening window treatments.

[24:31] Fawn explains how our bodies and subconscious minds are always reading and reacting to our environments, and the implications of the low-level stress they can cause.

[31:02] Fawn and LuAnn discuss body language and best practices when it comes to body language and sales.

[50:59] LuAnn reiterates the tools she and Fawn discussed, and shares how these can make you — the window treatment professional — more valuable to interior designers and worth a higher rate.

LuAnn and Fawn Chang’s Ah-Ha Moments

“The outside is always moving in a fashion that is more random than what we see on the our screens, right? That calms the body that puts us into our rest, restore, digest, create, and play mode. We have access to higher order thinking in our brain. We have access to the healing aspects of our body, and then…as long as it’s tracking the sunlight, our body’s rhythms can train to where they’re meant to be.” – Fawn Chang

“[In interior design] biophilia feels very normal now, but I have never ever thought about how window treatment people should be capitalizing and leveraging it.” – LuAnn Nigara

“Our body and unconscious mind is reading the environment about eight-and-a-half seconds before our thinking mind is aware…Your unconscious reads it, evaluates it, qualifies it.” – Fawn Chang

“Embracing Biophilia design and wellness design and having it as another tool in our toolbox as window treatment professionals — we’re going to be more important to interior designers. And…consumers will pay easily up to 20% more for products when wellness design is important to them…when it matters to that person, they will pay more.” – LuAnn Nigara

“We’re not trying to manipulate somebody, we’re actually trying to create a connection. That’s the whole basis of of sales, and all of this — talking about the neuroscience of having someone feel comfortable in their own house so that you can get to the next level of the sales conversation with them. It’s looking for a genuine beginning of a relationship.” – LuAnn Nigara 

More About Fawn Chang

With over 2500 presentations delivered to audiences internationally, Fawn inspires and shifts perceptions that change lives.  She has a remarkable ability to allow her audience to see how the brain/body work and how to make simple changes for better business, better health, wealth, longevity and more profit.   Fawn’s passion is people and she knows that life was NEVER meant to be a struggle.  Using neuroscience, she shows how the human spirit in each of us is confounded by what is in our environment, which speaks to the unconscious mind creating our behavior.  Our true nature begs to be brought forth but is locked within our environments.   Fawn delivers easily digestible, practical and easy-to-implement actionable tips and tools, backed by modern science, ready for immediate application enjoyable, approachable and understandable all with delightful humor. Fawn Chang is a Keynote Speaker, International Interior Designer, Color Marketing and Trending Expert and a Feng Shui Expert.  A former Medical Practice Administrator and teacher, Fawn’s presentations bring together neurophysiology and design with conversational style, humor and actionable takeaways. Significantly, she was the designer on a multi-state study to determine the influence of color on students’ engagement with incredible results, moving students and teachers from 50% engagement to 100% engagement just with the use and designed placement of wall color.    Fawn writes Health, Safety & Wellness Certified CEU approved seminars and workshops for delivery to design professionals, architects (AIA Certified)  interior designers (IDCEC Certified), builders and general audiences.  Fawn works with the world’s foremost paint companies to help audiences understand the power and impact of color and design in their lives.  Fawn has worked with PPGPaints, Exciting Windows & Exciting Colors, and currently works with the over 68 Global and Independent Manufacturers who are Members of  Color Guild International.

Fawn is represented by Alan Morell of Creative Management Partners (Beverly Hills/Toronto/New York) to represent her literary, media, and speaking endeavours. For more info contact: amorell@creativemanagementpartners.com A Behavioral Interior Designer, Design Psychology Expert, and Color Marketing and Trending Expert, Fawn is an industry insider,  on the cutting edge of the latest colour and design trends. Fawn writes Health, Safety & Wellness Certified CEU approved seminars and workshops for delivery to design professionals, architects (AIA Certified)  interior designers (IDCEC Certified), builders and general audiences.  Fawn works with the world’s foremost paint companies to help audiences understand the power and impact of color and design in their lives.  Fawn has worked with PPGPaints, Exciting Windows & Exciting Colors, and currently works with the over 68 Global and Independent Manufacturers who are Members of  Color Guild International. Her widely varied background includes Medical Practice Administration for a large (40K+ patients, 3 hospitals) Ophthalmology Practice, Fine Art and IT, teaching and developing curriculum K-8.  Fawn also worked with University of Chicago, National Science Foundation and Rose Planetarium at the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan as project lead and writer, developing an exhibit to explain the science of DASI (Degree Angular Scale Interferometer) which measures the Cosmic Microwave Background from Antarctica, for delivery to general audiences understandable at a 5th grade level. Her message has taken her all over the world, speaking to audiences and design industry conferences including: IDS West, AIA, ASID, IDCEC, NKBA, CDECA, CODI and more.  She has lectured at Washington State University, Auburn University, University of Akron, University of Utah, the Art Institutes, LaRoche College, the Chautauqua Institution, and Carnegie Mellon University’s Osher Institute, University of Nevada Osher Institute and many others.

Connect with Fawn Chang







A Big THANK YOU to Today’s Podcast Sponsor:

This episode is sponsored by Exciting Windows!

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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action

AudiobookThe Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action

Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts

Pre-Order Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2

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